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Home > Table of Contents > Energy Assistance

Energy Assistance


City of Ukiah Utilities Dept.

300 Seminary Ave., PO Box 2860, Ukiah


Programs to reduce the energy costs of customers within Ukiah city limits. See and link to Utilitiesfor information and applications.


·      C.A.R.E.S. Discounts

Monthly credit is applied towards electric charges on City utility bill. $40, $30, or $20 per month for eligible senior (62+) households; $30, $20, or $10 per month for non-senior. Must meet low-income requirements. Customers may call the Salvation Army office at 468-9577 to get pre-qualified.


·     Medical Baseline & Life Support

Increased baseline allowance for customers who use life support equipment in the home. Doctor verification of condition and equipment required. Call Utilities Dept. for application.


City of Ukiah Utilities, Energy Efficiency Dept.

Energy Efficiency Rebates, 5734 Lonetree Blvd., Rocklin


Energy Services provides rebate programs for City of Ukiah electric customers to help offset the costs of installing energy-efficient equipment. Call above number or browse and link to Rebates for information and applications.


GRID Alternatives.

377 E. San Francisco Ave., Willits


Provides no cost solar power for those with limited or fixed incomes while providing hands-on installation experience for job seekers and community volunteers. See


North Coast Energy Services, Inc.

966-B Mazzoni St., Ste. 3B, PO Box 413, Ukiah

800-233-4480 or 463-0303
Fax 844-742-6925 or 463-0637

Administers programs to offset the costs of heating/cooling the dwellings of low-income customers. Call for application; may also download application or apply online at


·     Energy Crisis Intervention Program (ECIP)

Provides emergency assistance with utility costs once per program-year; provides assistance with heating and/or cooling emergencies.


·     Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)

Provides once-per-program-year financial assistance to eligible households to offset the utility costs of heating and/or cooling.


·         Weatherization Program
Provides free weatherization services to improve the energy efficiency of homes, including attic insulation, weather-stripping, minor housing repairs, and related energy conservation measures.


Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E)

Toll-Free 24/7





·      PG&E Medical Baseline & Life Support


Spanish 800-660-6789

TDD 800-652-4712

Provides additional quantities of energy at the lowest (baseline) price to residential customers with certain medical conditions. Eligibility: PG&E customers dependent on life-support equipment in the home and those with certain conditions with special heating/cooling needs. Call PG&E for application or download from website.


·      PG&E California Alternate Rates for Energy (C.A.R.E.)


Discount of 20% on monthly bill for low-income PG&E customers. Call for application or visit website for income eligibility and application. Recertification required every two years.


·      PG&E Relief for Energy Assistance through Community
      Help (REACH)

One-time energy credit up to $300 for low-income eligible PGE customers whose services have been shut off or who have received a shut-off notice. This program may assist once within a 12-month period. Past-due amount cannot exceed $300, and application process must be done in-person at North Coast Energy Services. Call 463-0303 for more information.


·         PG&E Energy Savings Assistance Program

Toll-Free Smarter Energy Line


TDD/TTY 800-652-4712

Provides qualified low-income customers free weatherization measures and energy-efficient appliances to reduce gas and electricity usage. (Also offers retail rebates on clothes washers, refrigerators, and water heaters.) Eligibility: PG&E customer, must meet household income limitations and have not participated in the weatherization program since 2012. Visit website for more program details. See


Sonoma Clean Power (SCP)

PO Box 1030, Santa Rosa

A not-for-profit agency operated by the Cities of Cloverdale, Cotati, Fort Bragg, Petaluma, Point Arena, Rohnert Park, Santa Rosa, Sebastopol, Sonoma, Willits and the Town of Windsor, and the Counties of Sonoma and Mendocino that provides an alternate electricity-generating choice for residents in Sonoma and Mendocino counties (excluding Ukiah and Healdsburg which have their own municipal power programs). PG&E CARE, FERA, and Medical-Baseline discounts are still available to SCP customers. See








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