Description: Description: Senior Resource Directory of Lake & Mendocino County


For questions, contact Senior Information & Assistance at 707-468-5132 (or 1-800-510-2020 within Lake and Mendocino Counties) or email us at



CalFresh (previously Food Stamps)


CalFresh Program

Nutrition assistance program that helps low-income people buy nutritious food. Eligibility: Meet limited resources and limited income guidelines; higher resource and income limits afforded those age 60+ or younger disabled. Those receiving SSI may now be eligible. Apply online at, or call/visit office for application.


Lake County

15975 Anderson Ranch Pkwy., PO Box 9000, Lower Lake

800-628-5288 or 995-4200


Mendocino County

764 S. Franklin, PO Box 1759, Fort Bragg

877-327-1677 or 962-1000

737 S. State St., PO Box 839 Ukiah

877-327-1711 or 463-7700


Congregate/Social Dining Sites


Anderson Valley Senior Center

Veteran's Hall, 14400 Hwy 128, PO Box 591, Boonville


Serves lunch Tue and Thu at 12:15pm; exception second and last

Tue of the month, dinner at 6:00pm instead of lunch. Contribution

suggested for diners age 60+ (or accompanying spouse); fee charged for others. See


Calvary Chapel

14330 Memory Ln. (off Olympic Dr.), PO Box 2062, Clearlake


Provides free community meal from 4:00pm 6:00pm on Tue and Thu each week.


Coastal Seniors, Inc.

Veterans Hall, 24000 S. Hwy1, PO Box 437, Point Arena


Lunches served Mon and Wed at 11:30am 12:30pm in Point Arena and Tue at 11:30am 12:30pm at Gualala Community Center. Contribution suggested for diners age 60+; fee charged for others. See


Highlands Senior Service Center, Inc.

3245 Bowers Rd., PO Box 180, Clearlake


Lunches Mon Fri. Suggested donation for those 60+; fee for all others.

No seniors are denied services due to inability to pay. See


Indian Senior Center

425 N. State St., Ukiah


Open to public. Serves lunch Mon Fri at noon. Eligibility: age 60+ and a member of Tribe with Resolution; suggested donation for others. Call for information.


Kelseyville Seniors, Inc.

5245  3rd St., Kelseyville


Lunches Mon Fri. Suggested donation for those 60+; fee for all others. See


 Lakeport Senior Center, Inc.

527 Konocti Ave., Lakeport


Lunches Mon Fri at noon; congregate breakfast 3rd Sun. Suggested donation for those 60+; fee for all others. See


Live Oak Seniors

12502 Foothill Blvd., PO Box 1389, Clearlake Oaks


Lunches Mon Fri at 11:30am. Suggested donation for those 60+; fee for all others. See



Lucerne Alpine Seniors, Inc.

3985 Country Club Dr., PO Box 937, Lucerne

Lunches Mon Fri at 11:15am 12:30pm. Suggested donation for those 60+; fee for all others. See


Middletown Community United Methodist Church

15851 Armstrong St. (off Hwy 29), PO Box A, Middletown


Free community dinners Mon, Tue, and Thu at 4:00 – 6:00pm, and emergency food is distributed during meal times. See


Middletown Senior Center

21256 Washington St., PO Box 1037, Middletown


Lunches Mon Fri at noon. Suggested donation for those 60+; fee for all others. See


Plowshares Peace and Justice Center

1346 S. State St., PO Box 475, Ukiah


Lunches Mon Fri at 11:30am noon, Sat 3:00 – 3:30 families with children and 3:30 – 4:00 general public. Homeless services including mail, personal care products, and haircuts (as available) during meal times only. See


Redwood Coast Senior Center

490 N. Harold St., Fort Bragg


Serves lunch at Senior Center Mon Fri at 11:30am 12:30pm. (Also serves noon lunch at Mendocino Presbyterian Church Mon and Wed --  reservations suggested for this location by calling the Redwood Coast Senior Center.) Suggested donation for those 60+; fee for others. See


Round Valley Indian Tribes Senior Center

77826 Covelo Rd., Covelo


Congregate lunches Mon Thu at 11:30am and Fri breakfast at 10:30am. Open to anyone age 62+ and Native Americans age 55+. Donation requested; fee for non-seniors after all seniors have been served. See


Ukiah Senior Center

495 Leslie St., (mail to 499 Leslie St.), Ukiah


Lunch served Mon Fri at 11:30am. Reservations required. Call at least one day ahead, or by 7:00am the day of the meal, to make reservations. Fee charged; lunch card is available – call for details. See


Willits Harrah Senior Center

1501 Baechtel Rd., Willits


Serves lunch Mon Fri at 11:45am 1:00pm; dine-in or take-out. Fee charged; 10-meal punch card available for discount. See


Food Banks & Pantries


Food banks distribute food through various programs and each has unique eligibility requirements and distribution days. Whether you need emergency food or a monthly CSFP Senior Food Box described below, contact the nearest food bank to see which programs you may qualify for.


Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)/Senior Food Basket/Box

Provides a monthly 30-40 lb. box of food to those age 60+ who meet low income eligibility guidelines. Contact the distributing food bank for information on how to apply and to confirm dates/times of monthly distribution at a location nearest to you. New applicants may be subject to waiting list.


Redwood Empire Food Bank CSFP distribution sites, 523-7903


Lake County ~ multiple distribution locations countywide


Mendocino County ~ Ukiah and Willits


The Fort Bragg Food Bank CSFP distribution sites, 964-9404

·     Anderson Valley

·     Fort Bragg

·     Gualala

·     Laytonville

·     Leggett

·     Point Arena


Calvary Chapel

14330 Memory Ln. (off Olympic Dr.), PO Box 2062, Clearlake


Provides emergency food boxes Tue and Thu 11:30am and free hot meal Tue and Thur 4:00pm 6:00pm.


Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Santa Rosa ~ Lake County Programs

21085 Bush St., PO Box 678, Middletown


Provides supplemental food.

·     Middletown Pantry (Middletown Community United Methodist Church, 15851 Armstrong St.), third Wed of the month, 4:00pm 6:00pm.


·     Kelseyville Pantry (St. Peter's Catholic Church's Glebe Hall on Main St.), fourth Mon of the month (except holidays), 4:30pm 6:00pm.


Clear Lake Gleaners Inc.

1896 Big Valley Rd., PO Box 266, Finley


Distributes food through USDA EFAP Program at multiple sites throughout Lake County. Eligibility: Meet low income eligibility guidelines. Bring ID.


First Baptist Church of Clearlake

On Robinson St. in back of sanctuary at 14550 Pearl Ave., PO Box 547, Clearlake


Emergency food and clothes closets, Tue, Wed, Thu 9:00   11:00am. Food assistance is limited to once per month; clothes available as needed. Must provide ID.


Fort Bragg Food Bank

910 N. Franklin St., PO Box 70, Fort Bragg


Food distribution Mon, Wed, Fri 10:45   11:15am seniors only;12:00  – 3:00pm all ages including seniors; and Wed 4:30  – 5:30pm all ages. Also arranges for food distribution to several food pantries throughout Mendocino County. An updated list of these available at


Lake County Hunger Task Force

All-volunteer organization works to offset hunger by linking Lake County residents to nourishing food. Maintains a website with updated listings of scheduled food resources and community gardens. See and select the “Food Resources” link.


Middletown Community United Methodist Church

15851 Armstrong St. (off Hwy 29), PO Box A, Middletown


Emergency food distribution during community meals Mon, Tue, Thu 4 – 6pm, and also on the third Wed 4 – 6pm. See


Redwood Empire Food Bank

3990 Brickway Blvd., Santa Rosa

523-7903 Food Connections line
-7900 general reception

The largest hunger-relief organization north of San Francisco, coordinates with local agencies to provide food distribution throughout Lake and Mendocino Counties. See


St. John's Episcopal Church Food Closet/Thrift

1190 N. Forbes St., Lakeport


Food closet and thrift shop Thu 11:00am 3:00pm. Bring ID for food assistance.


St. Vincent de Paul
Queen of Peace Catholic Church, 14435 Uhl Ave. PO Box 6697, Clearlake
Thrift Store, 16125 Orchard St., Lower Lake


Emergency food assistance, by prior arrangement, third Sat/month 10:00am – 12:00pm at Queen of Peace Catholic Church in Clearlake. Call ahead to apply. Low-cost or free clothing/household items Mon, Wed, Sat  10:00am – 3:00pm at thrift store in Lower Lake. Other assistance may be available on a case-by-case basis upon approval of board.


Ukiah Community Food Bank

888 N. State St., Ukiah


Emergency, weekly, and monthly distribution of food under various food-support programs. General distribution Wed 11:00am – 6:00pm; Fri 9:00am -- noon for seniors 60+ and physically disabled. Emergency food distribution Tue, Thu, Fri 3:00 – 4:00pm, and Sat 2:00 – 4:00pm. See


United Christian Parish in Lakeport

745 N. Brush St., Lakeport


Available Tue, Wed and Thu 10:00 – 11:00am. Please call ahead to arrange. Eligibility: once per every three months or by case by case determination.


Willits Brown Bag Program

111 E. Commercial, Willits

Brown bag lunch distribution, City Park across from City Hall, Sat 1:00pm.


Willits Community Services (WCS) & Food Bank

229 E. San Francisco Ave., Willits


Emergency assistance with food, transportation, blankets, utilities, personal items, baby formula, etc. Bring valid ID to center to apply.


Willits Daily Bread

St. Francis in the Redwoods Episcopal Church, 1 N. Main (@ Commercial), Willits

Meals to go Mon -- Thu 4:30 5:30pm.




Grocery Delivery


Harvest Market

964-7000 ext. 28

Grocery delivery or personal shopper service for a fee. Online shopping for delivery or store pick-up. Phone-in orders must be placed by 9:00am Mon--Fri for same-day delivery. Service area Cleone to Albion. See


Home-Delivered Meals

Programs that prepare and deliver regular hot meals to elderly and disabled individuals who are unable to shop for and/or prepare the food for themselves or travel to a site where a meal is being served.


Coastal Seniors, Inc.

Veterans Hall, 24000 S. Hwy 1, PO Box 437, Point Arena


Home-delivered meals for homebound, functionally impaired adults age 60+, or under age 60 designated as spouse or disabled individual living with eligible participant. Hot meals Mon, Tue, Wed; frozen meals Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun. Contribution suggested. See


Highlands Senior Service Center, Inc.

3245 Bowers Rd., PO Box 180, Clearlake


Home-delivered hot meals Mon -- Fri, delivery times vary 11:00am – 12:30pm. Eligibility: Age 60+, homebound and unable to cook or shop, and lacking assistance. Donation suggested. See


Indian Senior Center

425 N. State St., Ukiah


Home-delivered meals for homebound, functionally impaired adults. Eligibility: age 60+ and a member of Tribe with Resolution; suggested donation for others. Call for information.


Lakeport Senior Center, Inc.

527 Konocti Ave., Lakeport


Home-delivered hot meals, mid-day Mon Fri, and frozen meals for the weekend. Eligibility: Age 60+, homebound and unable to cook or shop, and lacking assistance. Donation suggested. See


Live Oak Seniors

12502 Foothill Blvd., PO Box 1389, Clearlake Oaks


Lunches Mon Fri. 1130 soup/salad, entrée at noon. Meals on Wheels program. Application for Meals on Wheels via Phone or in person. Suggested donation for those 60+; fee for all others.


Middletown Senior Center

21256 Washington St., PO Box 1037, Middletown


Home-delivered hot meals, mid-day Mon Fri. Eligibility: Age 60+ and homebound, and disabled adults living with a senior. Donation suggested. See


Plowshares Peace and Justice Center

1346 S. State St., PO Box 475, Ukiah


Home-delivered meals Mon Fri for disabled, homebound adults age 60+. See


Redwood Coast Senior Center

490 N. Harold St., Fort Bragg


Home-delivered meals for adults age 60+ or disabled, spouse living w/spouse 60+, who are homebound and unable to cook or shop and lacking asistance. Contribution suggested. See


·  Fort Bragg area hot lunch Mon Fri, frozen for the weekend.

·  Caspar, Mendocino, Albion hot lunch Mon, Wed, Fri and frozen for the other days.


Round Valley Indian Tribes Senior Center

77826 Covelo Rd., Covelo


Home-delivered meals Mon – Fri. Doctors prescription and completed application required. Eligibility: Native Americans age 55+, others age 62+. Donation requested of non-Native participants. See


Willits Harrah Senior Center

1501 Baechtel Rd., Willits


Home-delivered meals Mon Fri for homebound or disabled adults. Delivery begins at 10:30am until all deliveries completed. Fee charged. See









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